New C_S4EWM_2023 Exam Dumps Free | High Pass-Rate SAP Learning C_S4EWM_2023 Mode: SAP Certified Associate - SAP S/4HANA Cloud Private Edition, Extended Warehouse Management

New C_S4EWM_2023 Exam Dumps Free | High Pass-Rate SAP Learning C_S4EWM_2023 Mode: SAP Certified Associate - SAP S/4HANA Cloud Private Edition, Extended Warehouse Management

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No study materials can boost so high efficiency and passing rate like our C_S4EWM_2023 exam reference when preparing the test C_S4EWM_2023 certification. Our C_S4EWM_2023 exam practice questions provide the most reliable exam information resources and the most authorized expert verification. Our test bank includes all the possible questions and answers which may appear in the Real C_S4EWM_2023 Exam and the quintessence and summary of the exam papers in the past. You can pass the C_S4EWM_2023 exam with our C_S4EWM_2023 exam questions.

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Learning C_S4EWM_2023 Mode - New C_S4EWM_2023 Test Topics

Exam candidates grow as the coming of the exam. Most of them have little ideas about how to deal with it. Or think of it as a time-consuming, tiring and challenging task to cope with C_S4EWM_2023 exam questions. So this challenge terrifies many people. Perplexed by the issue right now like others? Actually, your anxiety is natural, to ease your natural fear of the C_S4EWM_2023 Exam, we provide you our C_S4EWM_2023 study materials an opportunity to integrate your knowledge and skills to fix this problem.

SAP C_S4EWM_2023 Exam Syllabus Topics:

Topic 1
  • Warehouse Processing, Warehouse Task and Order Creation, Strategies: This topic includes defining warehouse process types and setting up determination, as well as defining putaway and picking strategies.
Topic 2
  • Warehouse Management (Monitor - Cockpit): This topic involves monitoring warehouse activities using the Warehouse Management Monitor, Warehouse Cockpit, and analytical apps.
Topic 3
  • Warehouse Structure, Resource Management and SAP EWM Master Data: This topic encompasses defining the warehouse structure and setting up resource management, along with creating SAP EWM master data like storage bins and products, packaging specifications, supply chain units, and business partners.
Topic 4
  • Cross Topics (Labor Management, Exception Handling, Batches, Serial Numbers): This topic includes setting up labor management and exception handling, and working with additional product information.
Topic 5
  • Inbound Processes (Value Added Services, Cross-docking, Quality Management): This topic includes executing inbound processes with value added services (VAS) or deconsolidation, and setting up deliveries for cross-docking (CD) or quality inspection (QIE).
Topic 6
  • Managing Clean Core: It covers evaluating and applying clean core principles to ERP to maximize business process agility, reduce adaptation efforts, and accelerate innovation.
Topic 7
  • System Integration, Master Data and Delivery Document Customizing: This focuses on setting up system integration, distributing master data, and customizing delivery documents.
Topic 8
  • Internal processing (Physical Inventory, Replenishment): This topic involves defining physical inventory processes and setting up and executing replenishment.
Topic 9
  • Shipping and Receiving: It focuses on configuring Yard Management, SAP Dock Appointment Scheduling, and using the Shipping Cockpit.
Topic 10
  • Process and Layout Oriented Storage Control: It covers creating customizing settings and using Process and Layout-Oriented Storage Control.

SAP Certified Associate - SAP S/4HANA Cloud Private Edition, Extended Warehouse Management Sample Questions (Q93-Q98):

What do you use to control what is displayed on the mobile device? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.

  • A. Queue type
  • B. Personalization profile
  • C. Presentation profile
  • D. User profile

Answer: B,C

What can a mobile user do when working with semi-system-guided processing?

  • A. Select the handling unit to be processed.
  • B. Select the source bin.
  • C. Select the batch.
  • D. Create ad hoc warehouse tasks.

Answer: A

You want to use Labor Management. For which combination must you activate Labor Management?

  • A. Warehouse number and warehouse process type
  • B. Warehouse number and internal process step
  • C. Warehouse number and external process step
  • D. Warehouse number and labor activity

Answer: B

Your customer has two warehouse numbers that share the same physical yard. How do you set up the yard to enable yard management.

  • A. Define a storage type for a yard in one of the warehouse numbers, and connect the yard with doors to the other warehouse number.
  • B. Define a storage type for a yard in each warehouse number without any other settings.
  • C. Define a storage type for a yard in each warehouse number, and connect the two storage types with doors to each other.
  • D. Define a storage type for a yard in both warehouse numbers, and connect the two storage types with a common checkpoint.

Answer: A

To set up yard management for two warehouse numbers sharing the same physical yard:
* B. Define a storage type for a yard in one of the warehouse numbers, and connect the yard with doors to the other warehouse number:
* This setup ensures that yard management functionality is centrally configured while allowing goods movement between the warehouses through connected doors.
Incorrect Options:
* A: Common checkpoints do not establish yard management connectivity.
* C: Defining storage types without connections does not enable yard management.
* D: Connecting storage types with doors to each other is not a standard configuration for yard management.
* SAP EWM Documentation: Yard Management Configuration
* SAP Help Portal: Managing Shared Yards

You are using delivery-based production integration. Which of the following are created for the outbound delivery in SAP ERP for staging? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.

  • A. An internal stock transfer in SAP EWM when the supplying and receiving storage locations are the same.
  • B. An inbound delivery in the receiving warehouse when the supplying and receiving storage locations are assigned to different warehouse numbers.
  • C. An outbound delivery order in SAP EWM when the supplying storage location is connected to SAP EWM and the receiving storage location has NO warehouse management.
  • D. A posting change document in SAP EWM when the supplying and receiving storage locations are assigned to the same warehouse number.

Answer: B,D

Delivery-Based Production Integration
* Delivery-based production integration involves creating outbound deliveries in SAP ERP for staging materials. This ensures material flow for production processes is well-managed.
Scenarios in SAP EWM
* Posting Change Document (C):If the supplying and receiving storage locations are within the same warehouse number, a posting change document is created in SAP EWM. This document reflects the internal adjustment within the same warehouse.
* Inbound Delivery (D):If the supplying and receiving storage locations are assigned to different warehouse numbers, SAP ERP creates an inbound delivery in the receiving warehouse. This enables seamless integration and material flow between the two warehouses.
SAP S/4HANA Cloud Private Edition Reference
* Refer to SAP Help Portal documentation on Delivery-Based Production Integration and Posting Change Processing in EWM for configurations.


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